Winter Skin Essentials

Unless you live in a mild climate, you are familiar with the required shift in skincare to save your skin from winter. As the moisture in the air disappears so do your skins natural oils resulting in dry skin and lips. I’ve found that the following steps have helped retain the moisture in my skin through the winter months while I wait on the humidity to return.

Gentle or Hydrating Cleansers:


Hyaluronic Acids:

The addition of a hyaluronic acid into both my morning and evening routines has been a game changer for me with the dry winter air and blustery winds. I also use this to counteract the effects of retinols and the dryness from chlorine in the summer months. Hydration keeps your skin plump and therefor reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles so I’m a big fan of these products helping my skin to retain additional moisture! :)

  • Revision Skincare Hydrating Serum - this one is very light so I love it for morning application under my moisturizer (and sunscreen - which you should also be using in the winter despite the shorter days!)

  • SkinCeuticals HA Intensifier - this is a serum gel that I also love for morning application. It makes my skin feel quite smooth which is a great base under makeup.

  • Cerave Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Serum - the consistency of this one is more of a lotion which makes application feel pretty luxurious especially before adding a moisturizer before bed





I am obsessed with lip products. The majority of the time, you will see me with a chapstick or moisturizing gloss over lipstick and I live for a lip mask. The products below are where it’s at for me.

  • Revision Skincare Youthful Lip Replenisher - this is my ride or die lip product and saves my lips every night. It is thick and somewhat tacky so I put it on before bed and it’s still there when I wake up in the morning. It contains hyaluronic acid so it helps retain water and helps your lips stretch, for those big smiles! I have one of these on my nightstand, in my bathroom, and in my travel bag so that I’m never without.

  • Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask - before I found the Lip Replenisher, this was my go to night treatment… it doesn’t stay all night and I was still dealing with the dryness/cracking from winter lips but I do like the product so I just moved it to a daytime application.

  • Neosporin Lip Health Overnight Renewal Therapy was available long before the two products above and I would argue that for the price, it’s a strong competitor for the Laneige.



  • Curel Daily Healing Body Lotion - I love this for everyday - you can literally feel the moisture in your skin at the end of the day. Use right after you get out of the shower to help retain the moisture in your skin.

  • Eucerin Intensive Repair Lotion - a dermatologist once told me that this would repair your skin barrier and get your skin back to health after 3 days of use… it works. Perfect for dry spots such as elbows, knees, ankles and feet. I prefer to use at night as it is a little greasy.



It should be noted that your water intake is important. I’m not great at drinking water, don’t be like me! That said, I have to add in some extras on occasion but if you want to do the absolute most, you can add the following to your routines:

  • Evian Facial Spray - exactly what it sounds like, I mist on my skin between the HA products and moisturizer but if I still feel dry throughout the day, I mist.

  • Aquaphor Balm - Stick - you can add a thin layer of Aquafor over your moisturizer at bedtime. It will restore the driest of skin as it prevents water from evaporating from your skin. This comes in a stick so you don’t have it all over your hands.

  • Hey Dewy Humidifier - putting water back into dry air helps with dry skin. Science. This is a portable cool mist so you don’t have extra cords lingering on your nightstand.